After a super busy week in London town SHOOTING, REPRESENTING, selling the ENTIRE DIFFUSION and meeting some wonderfully interesting people its fair to say i came back exhausted. But my brain is now officialy boiling over with ideas for the new collection never have i felt so focused and dedicated to something in my whole life! And after picking up some amazing fabrics on my final day in London i spent the entire train journey home sketching and writing hundreds of notes for a new collection. With three collaborations in the pipeline taking my designing as far as Amsterdam and NYC i am pretty excited to get stuck into these and this whole new aspect of designing as never have i had to design for a specific client. So i really cant wait to get my teeth into it! I think August may be my busiest month yet!

Above and below are some images taken between the filming of the short teaser fashion film we filmed before the first day of trading at Camden. The film was purley to document all the clothing we had made before it was sold as there was simply no time for a professional shoot between finishing the garments and setting up the stalls.

i love your hair and your clothes <3