It feels soooo good when everything seems to be going right for yourself and all the people you care about around you. Right now is such an exciting time for myself and all my friends and main divas as we have all graduated / are graduating from similar courses in Fashion from different University's. Obviously there are all my Heriot - Watt sistaas and then there is the amazingly talented
Yasmin Bawa from Middelsex and now my wonderful friend Gary Wilson is in his final year at Northumbria University.
The different talents between the group are completely endless and it feels good knowing such talented people that will go far and do well in whatever they set there sights to. Aiming high, achieving our goals and SETTING THE WORLD TO RIGHTS!!!!

Anyway to say i am excited for Gary's graduate collection would be a complete understatement!! He has recently collaborated with the amazing Emma Noble who is currently making a name for herself producing some Fantastic Fashion films which you can watch on her
Vimeo. Gary collaborated with Emma on "No Love Lost" a fashion film shot with the beautiful
Lauren Andrew, based around Gary's third year project of designing an outfit from a "signature style" that best sums up the designer. Having previously worked with Gareth Pugh, Gary's influences clearly come across in his love for a sleek silhouette, vivid textures and a variety of dark, natural materials: the dress is made from Italian Lycra with the accessories made in Goats leather and Ostrich. He has definitely set the standard for his signature style and now i cannot wait to see the final collection!
NO LOVE LOST - Gary Wilson from emma noble on Vimeo.
All images by Derrick Argent.