Wayyyy back last august i was involved in the production of a big Charity Fashion show and was also asked to make a capsule collection. With about three weeks to make all the garments whilst constantly pestering models, photographers, hairdressers - basically calling in all the favours to get this show on the road lets just say the collection was abit of a brash affair. I wouldn't exactly call it a masterpiece but i have to say it definitely emphasised the theme is was going for of "femme Fatals."
So Long story short! Last week i was asked to photograph the collection to be featured in a new up and coming Edinburgh magazine. And i thought where better place than an old abandoned asylum! so myself, Lindsay Robertson my photographer friend, two models and Anna Visocchi who got the lovely job of dressing all the models in the pissing rain outside a mental hospital, all bundled into the car speeding down the motorway towards Bangour Village Hospital.
For those of you who have never heard of this place it is probably one of the eeriest places i have ever been! The land stretches out for acres and acres and is home to several wards and out houses, aswel as a rehab facilitation centre, a church, a shop, Bangour House and the infamous Villa 9 which was reportedly shut down in the early 90s due to it being haunted. And i have to say normally i don't believe in all that supernatural crap but this place did make me think twice!
So after about a 15 min argument with the security guard who wasn't even going to let us in past the main gates We finally managed to persuade him to let us slip past as long as he didn't "catch us" taking photos or breaking into any of the buildings.
Here are a few shots from the day:

Unfortunately i can't upload the best ones until the magazine has been published. And i have to thank my amazing models Rhona Ferguson and Emma Claire Noble for doing such a good job standing about in a pair of stalkings and a leotard in torrential rain.